PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE signing up to my waitlist
FIRST OF ALL, Why are we different:
- All lessons are private and one-on-one for about 10 min M-F
- No floatation devices (pool noodles, polystyrene boards etc) are being used
- ISR program is for an average of 6 weeks as the ISR training is based on sensorimotor learning, as well as muscle memory. After skills are learned, refresher & maintenance lessons are offered
- ISR is recognized as the safest swim program Internationally
- Each child’s registration is carefully assessed by ISR’s team of nurse practitioners who monitor the children and send lesson adaptions through if necessary.
- Highly qualified and experienced instructors Internationally
- Children practice their learned skills fully clothed during the last week of lessons since most aquatic accidents are when a child is fully clothed.
Registration Fee:
- Every student is evaluated prior to beginning lessons to ensure the safest lessons possible. This process provides ISR with an in depth look at your child’s health and medical history. Your child’s registration materials are kept confidential and reviewed only by ISR Certified Personnel. This non-refundable $130 for new students. This fee includes electronic access to the Parent Resource Book. All registration fee(s) are in addition to tuition. Returning students registration is $35 every year.
Tuition Fee:
- Starting January 2024 the tuition fee will be $930. Additional weeks required will be $155. To secure time slot in the session, a deposit of $465 will be due which covers the LAST 3 weeks of the session. The remaining balance will be due on the Monday of the first, second, and third week.